※エコノミークラス 30kg + 5kg = 35kg
ビジネスクラス 40kg + 5kg = 45kg
Greetings from Singapore Airlines
Please find below the details on excess baggage benefits.
Japanese Passengers can enjoy an additional 5 kgs baggage allowance on both Economy and Business Class when they purchase any tickets in Chennai for travel originating from Chennai.
Hence, Japanese passengers will be entitled to
30kgs + 5 kgs on economy class
40kgs + 5 kgs on business class.
- Enjoy additional 5 kg baggage allowance in Economy Class (or) 5 kg in Business Class on your return flight to Chennai.
- Tickets must be purchased in Chennai and all sectors are to be on SQ.
contact our office at +91 44 45921906 /
+91 44 45921907.
All users who use promo code while booking will get flat 2000/- Rs discount on basic fare for all classes Ex-India Departure.
Only North America not part of this offer.
Sharing the details:
Sales period: till 30Jun24
Travel period: till 31Mar25
Passengers need not be Cathay members to be eligible for the discount.
On Cathay Pacific India website passengers need to use Promocode CXTOURISM to make a booking and to get benefit.

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BBINFO 田村様( 2023 年 7 月 7 日)